Migraine: Natural Ways To Reduce The Pain
March 2 Health Basics, Pain
Migraine is just like an ordinary headache, until you realize that no amount of painkillers can get rid of that incessant pain, whereas painkillers usually do the trick for normal headaches. It is a constant throbbing headache, and more often than not it affects one particular side of your head. Unlike ordinary headaches, migraine brings along with it nausea, sensitivity to sound and light, vomiting and other miscellaneous side effects. In extreme situations, you might even experience visual disturbances, like splotches, flashes, zigzags, weird lights around one black spot et cetera. Yes, migraine is definitely not as trivial as it sounds. It is a painful ailment that plagues at least one thirds of the population now.
Why Does It Happen?
A tough question, but migraine is mainly caused due to neurobiological disorders which cause vascular and neurological changes to your brain during an attack. In fact, scientific research has proven that migraine is hereditary. So chances are, if your parent or a grandparent has migraine, you will too. If due to some reason the pain centre in your brain becomes hypersensitive, you’re likely to suffer from migraine.
Natural Ways of Reducing Migraine Pain
Tired of painkillers and allopathic medicines which seem to have no effect on the pain? Then it might be time to let go of such medicines, and resort to natural methods which have been proven to work-
- Go to a calm environment – Whenyou think you have attack coming up, take a step back from your daily activities. Head to the cool and tranquil part of your house and turn off all lights. Sleep has proven to be immensely helpful in your battle against migraine. It is easier said than done, but if you manage to fall asleep while the pain is still less, you’re likely to make it through with as less suffering as possible. Also, try and maintain fixed sleep patterns, give your body time to adjust, but don’t force yourself to fall asleep either.
- Consume Caffeine – A caffeinated drink might help during an attack, but drink only in small fixed quantities. Consult a doctor before you do so. Measure out the quantity, if you exceed the prescribed quantity, you might end up doing more harm than good.
- Essential Oils – The sweet smell of lavender is going to help reduce the headache. It could be mixed with boiling water and inhaled. Or, you could even apply it. You will notice how it calms you down, and reduces the pain in a while. Peppermint oil could also help reduce extreme headache caused by stress.
- Improve Your Food Habits – Did you know that some of the food items you consume throughout the day can trigger migraine? Try and avoid consuming caffeine, chocolate, alcohol and aged cheese on a daily basis. Maintain regular and healthy eating habits. Skipping meals frequently could trigger migraine as well.
- Temperature Therapy – Try to apply hot and cold compresses to the head and neck area. Hot water bags or ice packs might help. Ice will numb the area, thus reducing pain.
Migraine can be unbearable, but there is nothing you can do about it. It is a chronic problem, and it is here to stay, just know that you aren’t alone in this battle. All you can do is look for natural ways and remedies to get rid of the pain, and keep trying till you find the one that works for you.
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